Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day Trip to Vigevano and Varese

Vigevano Photos: Slight overview of the city from the castle path, the main piazza and many of the group sketching at the statue in the piazza.

Yesterday we took a day trip into Italy to see the town of Vigevano and a museum in Varese. The main attraction in Vigevano is the piazza with its unusual church at one end that doesn't follow the axis of the piazza except in its facade. The piazza is very perspectival with the surrounding arcades and in the slightly splayed shape of the piazza itself. The nearby castle, which has a path that connects to the piazza, was also very interesting; there was an open green space for the castle, though it wasn't well kept. We spent about 4 hours in Vigevano, sketching, eating our usual bagged lunches and looking around a bit.

In Varese we went to a museum that was once a villa where a lot of very modern art was displayed. It was interesting to see the contrast between the very old villa and the artwork collected by the people who once lived there as well as the installed art. Both the villa, with its beautiful rooms and gardens, as well as the art, much of which was very architectural, made it quite a fun and unusual experience. There were many works which tried to create an atmosphere or spatial condition through the use of a variety of colors of lights, as well as very carefully places windows. For example, one room, called "Sky, Space, I" was a small square room completely painted in white with a window in the ceiling that took up almost the whole ceiling. I couldn't call it a skylight, because it was so much about the view of the sky, not bringing in light. It was a very beautiful experience. I think we all enjoyed the museum and the whole day trip very much!

Photos at Varese: Villa, Flowers in Green House, Rows of trees, and a small pagoda with what looked like a baptismal font in the center.

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