Saturday, September 20, 2008

Milan, Italy

Photos of Will and then Lindsey in the same little doorway.

Today Lindsey, Chloe, Ashton, Kristina, Will, and I all took the train to Milan for the day. We headed straight to the Duomo as soon as we arrived there; there was currently a service going on in honor of the police, firefighters and other service men going on inside, so we were able to go in and listen to part of it. It was pretty cool to see that going on.
We did want to have more of a relaxing day as the tour of Switzerland begins this upcoming Wednesday, so we will be gone for two weeks. We wandered quite a bit going through the Galleria shopping area and running into some very interesting architecture. We had signed up for bagged lunches from the Villa (the usual sandwich, apple, water, and chocolate bar) and went to a cafe with them to get coffee to accompany the lunches. The one we found was near a church where a wedding was in process and I think first communions were being celebrated just before the wedding, so there was a lot of people watching.
We continued to wander and shop (Will was so brave to go to Milan with 5 girls, but he was very patient). One of the shops we went into was one that Frank recommended; it is called Fabriano. It is a stationary and paper shop that originally began in 1264. Everything was so beautiful, we all bought some souvenirs there. While I loved the beautiful paper, I knew I would be too afraid to write in it, so I wanted to purchase something a little more permanent. I decided on some beautiful playing cards designed for Fabriano in a handmade paper box.
Later in the afternoon we went to look for the complex where the events and shows were taking place for Milan Fashion week. It took a bit to find, but once we did we were able to hang out outside and see some of the models and incredibly fashionable people going in and out. It was pretty exciting! A woman from a Brazilian fashion magazine even came up to us and took some photos of our accessories for the magazine; I think she was looking at current trends or something... at least that is what I think she said. Of course there is no way to find out if those will be published, but it was pretty cool too!
After we made our way back to were the train station was to grab some dinner near there. We found a nice little cafe and then headed back to Riva! We were so excited to be headed back home after a long day, even thought it was pretty relaxing.

Service in the Duomo, Complex for Fashion Week, and Ashton and Lindsey on the train.

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