Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seminar, Lucy Ferrari, and St. Gallen, Switzerland

Every Tuesday night the 16 architecture students have a Seminar class from 8 pm - 10 pm in our little library here. I have to take a picture of the library to post here; it is in a room that used to store wheat and grain in the winter above the old stables. All of the books in it were bought and donated to the library by Olivio and Lucy Ferrari, who together founded the Riva center and did a lot to develop the architecture program at VA Tech. It feels like a little castle room going up the small staircase from the 'fireplace room' to get there.

Last night we discussed Max Bill, an artist who studied at the Bauhaus and then taught at the art and design school in Ulm. We will see some of his work later this semester during our travels.

Today Lucy Ferrari came to talk to us about the history of the Riva center and the development of the VA Tech architecture program. She is full of amazing stories; I look forward to having her travel with us on some of our tour of Switzerland. She also told us a little more about Max Bill. As her late husband was a student of his, there is a direct connection there. She informed us that Max Bill had hosted an artist, who is on one of the Swiss Franc bills, and her husband while they hid from the Nazis during the war. It is interesting how connected the Nazis and Hitler are to the art movement; the Bauhaus collapsed because of Hitler's disagreement with the way of thinking and ideas they were developing. So many artists had to flee during this time to protect themselves. Its amazing how it all intertwines in history.

This afternoon I made my plans for a long weekend we have for personal traveling coming up. I will be going to St. Gallen, Switzerland. There is an amazing library, a textile museum, a marketplace, a work by Santiago Calatrava, a cathedral, and a number of other places I'm excited about going to see. The trains I have to take to get there go through the Alps as well; I can't wait for the train ride there (and back)!

Meanwhile, we are working on our projects for the semester. If you are interested in what it is we are working on, here is the website...

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